MOON xTrA - Farewell to Tom Nutt
With a heavy heart we bring news of the death of Tom Nutt, near Trinidad Colorado. A friend said he had been working outside on a remote property, and was found sitting in his car, sometime yesterday 8/2/21. Tom has been the most solid and honorable friend that many of us have had the privilege to know. He was the epitome of the self-made, totally independent man. Tom could fix anything. A some-timer local, a full-timer wanderer, he visited here often, usually with some sort of gift in hand. And he always found chores to do for his host(s). He always kept most of what he owned in his car. He could talk for hours and days about his latest adventures, books, people in his life (old, new and deceased). Our door was always open to Tom, whether we were home, or not. Rest in Peace, dear friend.
So true. He was such a lovely man and a great friend to all.