by Terlingua Thinking Team
"Don't give up on this year. Keep fighting for the good. Keep showing up. Keep loving. Keep giving back. Keep being kind. Keep being brave. Keep caring. Keep trying new things. Keep showing grace. Keep on. This world needs you to believe in the good." - Rachel Mare Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood, findingjoy.net
Paisano Post from Terlingua CSD
From Mrs. Baumann: Sixth graders will be showing off their reading topic quilts they created as fifth graders on the Terlingua CSD website.
From Mrs. Reed: The junior class held their class election for officers and the results are as follows: President-Chase Willard, Vice-President-Ethan Ramirez, Secretary-Jenni Baeza, Treasurer-Melenie Orozco, and Student Council Class Representative-Melenie Orozco.
From Mrs. Orren- Student Council Middle School representatives, voted on by the 5th-8th graders, are Nereida Ramirez and Asa Reed.
Middle School Quote of the Week comes from 6th grader-Phillip Orren. "Thanks for the cupcakes, Phillip! Did everyone sing Happy Birthday to you?"
Phillip-"I wouldn't exactly call it singing. They more like-screamed Happy Birthday at me."
Dutch Oven Cook-off Potluck Weekend! October 8, 9, 10th, 2021
Music & Art Show and Much Much More! $10 wristbands for sale at the gate Featuring -
The Derailers from Austin, Texas, The Sarah Burton Band from Canada, Niko Laven & the Boom Chucks, with 20 of our local Best Big Bend Musicians and Artisans, presented by Jackass Flats Improvement Association
Event held at the Little Burro Country Store/Pavilion off Hwy 118, 50 miles south of Alpine, Texas on Terlingua Ranch. Cook-off Entry forms available at the Little Burro Country Store. Camping reservations available through HipCamp.com. Jackass Flats lodging available through airbnb.com
Schedule of Events below:
Friday, October 8th
Goat Roping 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. The Sarah Burton Band – 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Niko Laven & the Boom Chucks 9:15/9:30 – 11:15/11:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 9th
Breakfast at The American Legion 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. Morning Time Goat Roping / Wagon Rides. Tin Barn & Forge Art Show 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Chicken Shit Bingo. JAF Music Camp Sites 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. featuring Our Local Musicians. Scott Walker & the Edge of Texas Band 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. (Pavilion Stage). Dutch Oven Judging 6:00 p.m. at the Jackass Flats Pavilion. Potluck/Dutch Ovens included at 7:00 p.m. The Derailers 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. (Pavilion Stage)
Sunday, October 10th
Breakfast at The American Legion 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. Cowboy Church & Gospel Music @ Pavilion 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. All are welcome! Burro Races at Jackass Downs at 12:00 noon (Entries may Run with Burro, ride your burro or drive your burro). Skeet Shoot at 1:30 p.m. at the American Legion. Art show at Tin Barn till 3:00 p.m.
Thursday Sept. 2 - Terlinguanas
Friday Sept. 3/ Saturday Sept 4 - Bruce Salmon
Sunday Sept 5th - Nita's birthday Party with performance by Kathy Bauer and Michael Broussard
Monday Sept 6th - Marc Utter
Taqueria El Milagro
We're back from vacation and reopening this Wednesday 4 p.m. to 9 pm. through Sundays.
Join us for authentic Mexican food in a great outdoor setting! We specialize in tacos (all kinds), elote, chili rellenos, steaks, plus stuffed baked potatoes, burgers and hot dogs. Everyone will find something they love. BYOB and make your own party. . Drive through/to go orders. 432 371 2060.
Espresso ... y poco mas
We're a favorite breakfast and lunch establishment in the center of the Ghost Town.
Cold drinks, smoothies, plus the best coffee in town. Breakfast and lunch is made to order with the freshest ingredients and homecoming We have a full breakfast and lunch menu with everything from eggs cooked to order and fantastic sandwiches and salads at lunch time. We also have a selection of homemade pastries.
7:30 am until 2 pm seven days week. While you here, enjoy free wifi, local newspapers and super comfortable outdoor seating in the shade. Located in the Ghost Town.
The Town Electrician
Charles Turvey, Owner/ Master Electrician TECL# 31504 ME# 326558 Local, Licensed, Insured thetownelectrician@bigbend.net 432-424-3464 (Home) 432-538-2533 (Cell)
Dig Terlingua
We do Septic Systems and Dirt Work, Backhoe, Bulldozer, Motor Grader & Dump Truck with Operator for Hire. Site Preparation - pads, roads & ditches. We deliver road base, gravel, sand, etc. Licensed for Septic System Site Evaluations & Installations - Commercial & Residential - TCEQ #34046. Whatever you need dug – WE DIG IT. 713.907.5259
Santa Inez-Terlingua Ghosttown Church
The Big Bend Episcopal Mission will resume services starting in September through May. All are welcome and masks are encouraged.
1st Wednesdays: Rosary Prayer Service at 5pm. Bilingual and rosary beads will be available.
3rd Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist Service at 5pm. Bilingual prayer books available.
Services will be led by Father Mike Wallens from St. Paul's in Marfa.
Shot Time Liquors
With the exception of barbecued meats, if you are smoking it, we are accessorizing it! We have a new selection of ashtrays, glass storage containers, various scented smoke-eliminating candles, new glow in the dark cigarette cases, and dug outs. New cigars are ordered and due to arrive any moment; several varieties of Deadwood and Room 101 cigars will be available with those but in limited quantities. Crown Royal “ready to drink” 4 pks (12 oz cans) are $18 w/ tax included for cola, peach, and apple. Come check out the rest of our ready to drink selection for these great flavors: vodka soda, tequila paloma, gin & tonic, vodka mule, and tequila margarita!
The Terlingua Bottoms Group of AA
meets every Thursday at 7:30 at the Big Bend Church in Study Butte. We wear masks during the meeting, and observe distancing. The meetings are open to anyone who has or thinks they may have a drinking problem. If you are ill, we respectfully ask that you stay home and call for a "telephone meeting" instead, 432-371-2073. Leave a message and we'll get back to you.
Far Flung Outdoor Center
We have positions available for individuals looking for Flexible schedules and/or Flexible responsibilities. Everything from Coffee Shop mornings to shuttle driving (with approved driving record.) Always an adventure! Download an application from https://bigbendfarflung.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Far-Flung-Outdoor-Center-Employment-Application.pdf or drop in and pick up an application at our office at 23310 FM 170, Terlingua, Texas. Send in an application soon at Far Flung Outdoor Center, 23310 FM 170.
Big Bend Chamber of Commerce
The annual membership meeting of the Big Bend Chamber of Commerce will be held Thursday, September 9, 2021 at the Chisos Basin Amphitheater in Big Bend National Park. The meeting will start with a social time at 5:00 pm followed by the meeting beginning at 5:30 pm. Food will be provided. Big Bend National Park will provide free entrance for BBCC members attending the meeting. Bob Krumenaker, BBNP Superintendent, will update the membership on planned major improvements to park infrastructure. He will also lead us in a discussion about an exciting opportunity to protect the wild heart of the national park. For more information, please email Sandy Price at chamberofcommercebigbend@gmail.com or Marilynn Anthenat at mka@bleylengineering.com. Please join us!
Next MOON: Send MOON news by Monday NOON for that week’s MOON. PLEASE no PDFs or fancy fonts! terlinguamoon@gmail.com. We are on the web at: theterlinguamoon.blogspot.com
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