Tuesday, September 8, 2020

by Terlingua Thinking Team
September 8, 2020

"The world is ill-prepared to respond to a severe influenza pandemic or to any similarly global, sustained and threatening public-health emergency." - International Health Regulations Review Committee (2011)  

"Prepare yourself and your family as well as you can. Use common sense. Follow health officials' advice. Be kind, generous and patient with others, almost all of whom have pandemic-related struggles." - Terlingua Thinking Team

Terlingua, you've got this!  I love you!  I miss you!  Be safe!  Wear a mask! Stay well and alive! Stay home for now if you can! If you travel, practice safe travel techniques! See you soon!!!

Ms. Willmon: Student Council Election results: President- Taylor Ohl, Vice President-Zoe Bridges, Secretary-Jakeline Orozco, Treasurer-Brody Agnew, Senior Rep.-Coltan Walden, Junior Rep.-Gimena Garcia, Sophomore Rep.-Melenie Orozco, and Freshmen Rep.-Romina Escalante
Ms. Quigg: High School Students' quotes on being back at school: "With COVID around the school had to make some new rules. For example, we have to wear masks and keep our distance from others." "The mask makes my nose itch. But glad we came back to school I feel online learning would be harder."
"COVID-19 has truly changed the way we all live our lives daily. I never really expected it to hit our small town." "The school is very strict on wearing a mask and having us keep our distance." "I feel coming back to school was a very good thing for me because it makes it easier to do my school work." "I am not the biggest fan of wearing a mask, but I am getting used to it." 
Go Paisanos!!!!!

TRICARE covers two types of COVID-19 testing. Did you know there are two types of COVID-19 testing? One is diagnostic, which will tell you if you have the virus currently. The other one is an antibody test, which will tell you if you’ve already had the virus. TRICARE covers medically necessary, FDA-approved diagnostic and antibody tests, and is currently waiving copayments and cost-shares for testing and related office visits.
Dennis Yancy
SFC, US Army (ret)
Veterans Service Officer
Brewster County, Texas
Email: vetaff@co.brewster.tx.us
Office: 432-837-6219

The Brewster County Tourism Council and Visit Big Bend have received notice from the National Park Service that they have increased their public access areas in Big Bend National Park to include the eastern park road to Rio Grande Village. With the eastern end of the park reopening, trails including the Boquillas Canyon trail will now be available for day use. Fourteen trails, overlooks and picnic areas will be open to the public with this expansion. Restrooms along the open route will also be open.  This increase provides over 80 miles of roadway to drive and enjoy this unique National Park. 

Locations within the Park that will remain closed include all campgrounds and campsites, including RV areas, the Chisos Basin Lodge & Restaurant, areas for river use, backcountry trails, the Boquillas Crossing Port of Entry and all unpaved roads except to Dug Out Wells. The paved road to Castolon and Santa Elena Canyon will also remain closed.  

Brewster County hotels and businesses are ready for Labor Day weekend and continue to follow CDC guidelines to fight the spread of COVID-19. All businesses require a face covering for patrons, as well as their employees, and are practicing social distancing measures. Restaurants are open for dine-in with reduced occupancy levels and the option of to-go orders. Hotel accommodations, camping, and RV sites are available just outside the Park in the nearby communities of Study Butte, Terlingua, Lajitas, and Marathon. The Big Bend Ranch State Park also remains open for limited use.  

Outfitters in the area are also prepared for increased visitation over the holiday weekend with safety considerations being the top priority. They are encouraging people planning to visit to call ahead now to reserve space for activities this weekend such as horseback riding, ziplining, golf outings and river trips. Most activities in the Big Bend area are still available to book over Labor Day weekend along with numerous stargazing opportunities in the dark skies certified areas throughout Brewster County.  

Big Bend National Park is located in Brewster County, Texas which falls under a mandatory mask order in public places along with group size restrictions to 5 people or the size of your household – whichever is greater. As of today, Brewster County has less than 10 active COVID-19 cases.  

For more information and the latest details on closures and openings, go to VisitBigBend.com.

On a happy note, last Spring, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) added Big Bend Telephone (BBT) to the list of less than 50 companies nationwide who are recognized for going above and beyond to help consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the FCC noted that BBT had:
• Increased the speeds of all customers for a period of time
• Offering two months of free broadband to new customers
• Suspending data overage charges
• Extending school district networks to students without access
• Providing Wi-Fi to first responders and utility technicians
• Establishing Wi-Fi hotspots for educational purposes
• Established community open Wi-Fi access in strategic community locations across service area.

Big Bend Episcopal Mission's Father Mike Wallens will be offering  virtual confirmation classes. For more information, email michaelwallens@gmail.com by September 13th. Father Mike serves the congregations of St. Paul's-Marfa, St. Stephen's-Ft. Stockton, St. James-Alpine, and Santa Inez-Terlingua. Services continue to be held on a LiveStream that can be found on Facebook through St. Paul Marfa's Facebook page. It is our hope that services can begin again in mid-September at Santa Inez, in the Terlingua Ghostown, but only time will tell. Stay tuned and be well. The Episcopal Church Welcomes All.

Local Voter Registration Assistance Dates

September 8th, Tuesday, 1-3 at the Post Office

September 18, Friday, 1-3 at the Cottonwood

September 25, Friday, 1-3 at the Little Burro

Former long-time resident and artist Mary Diesel is offering a Zoom Art Salon beginning September 15th. Art enthusiasts of all levels of interest/practice are invited to participate in this online event. Please email dieselart@marydiesel.com, or visit marydiesel.com/events for more details. Mary is hoping to get at least 6 interested parties in order for the first round of sessions to make. 

Angel Fire Creations is currently making personalized face masks.  Lynda Daniels has in stock blank different sizes. She will also start making preprinted ones for sale. Contact her at 432.424.3300 or email her at angelfirecreations@yahoo.com.  Numerous items are available shirts, coffee cups, shot glasses, coasters, canvas prints, etc.

Come check out our new smoothies and our Canyon Freeze blended coffee!  Also serving homemade muffins, kolaches, toasted bagels, espresso, candy bar lattes, cappuccino, macchiato, and chai.  Bring your mug and save a buck!  Open at 7:00am – 11:00am, 7 days a week with quick service!

FAR FLUNG OUTDOOR CENTER is looking for Shuttle Drivers along with Backcountry Jeep and ATV Guides for the Fall Season. If you are interested in applying stop by for an application or contact Adana Martinez at adana@bigbendfarflung.com / 432.371.2633.

is now back open. Wed-Sat, 11 a.m. till sold out which is usually around 2ish p.m. Follow our FB page to keep up with updates and schedule changes.

Open from 7:30 a.m to 1 p.m. seven days a week. Best coffee in town made only with beans from Bend Bend Roasters.  Smoothies, salads, guac, eggs any way you like them, and a great standard menu.  All cooked to order. Covid precautions in place!  Come see us!

Charles Turvey, Owner/ Master Electrician TECL# 31504  ME# 326558  Local, Licensed, Insured  thetownelectrician@bigbend.net  432-424-3464 (Home)  432-538-2533 (Cell)

Joshua Flack, Owner/Master Electrician TECL #31064 ME #337791
Licensed, bonded and insured  940.255.2723

We do Septic Systems and Dirt Work
Backhoe, Bulldozer, Motor Grader & Dump Truck with Operator for Hire. Site Preparation - pads, roads & ditches. We deliver road base, gravel, sand, etc. Licensed for Septic System Site Evaluations & Installations - Commercial & Residential.
Whatever you need dug – WE DIG IT. 713.907.5259 

As of September 3, the National response rate is 65.3%; Texas is 60.7%; and South Brewster County is 25.3%. Census results shape the future of communities, as census data informs how billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed for health clinics, school lunch programs, disaster recovery initiatives, and other critical programs and services for the next 10 years.  Respond today if you haven’t already.  Online my2020census.gov.  By phone 844-330-2020 (English); 844-468-2020 (Spanish). 

Here are the facts from the Census Bureau:
Your personal information is kept confidential. The Census Bureau is bound by federal law to protect your information, and your data is used only for statistical purposes.
Your responses are compiled with information from other homes to  produce statistics, which never identify your home or any person in your  home.

So why does it matter.  Congressional districts are reapportioned once every ten years based on the census.  State Senate an Representative districts are based on the census.  Most importantly, County Commissioner Districts are drawn based on the census.  South Brewster County is lucky right now to have a Commissioner from South County.  But this is not always the case since they gerrymandered District boundaries so they included parts of south county in with parts of Alpine in the districts.  With a true count we could have a real south county Commissioner District.

And then there are the dollars.  Yes, dollars.  Grant dollars.  Several Federal and State programs allocate the amounts that jurisdictions are eligible to apply for based on population.  A short count means reduced funds available.

Census data collection was supposed to end on October 31.  The administration has now decided to end in on September 30.  So now folks have only three weeks to respond.  It literally takes about 3 minutes to answer online.  It takes a few more minutes to fill out the form when you have to go find a pencil. Please do it today.  

The Terlingua Bottoms Group of AA meets every Thursday at 7:30 at the Big Bend Church in Study Butte.  The meetings are open to anyone who has or thinks they may have a drinking problem.  We meet in a group of less than five, wear masks, and practice Social Distancing...

A reminder that THE Star Party is back! Now is the best time to see the center of the Milky Way Galaxy bright in our nighttime sky. Star Parties occur every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday at sunset. Reservations and masks required, social distancing and capacity limits in place due to COVID-19.
Programs are usually free for residents of the tri-county area, but call the observatory to see if they are doing that right now.
I don't know that latest.
I've visited many research observatories, NONE of them have programs like McDonald Observatory's. Take advantage of this world class institution in your back yard! Support your local observatory!  Wish I was there! Clear skies. 

This is the name of the Facebook page that is updated daily with local statistics on people affected.  As of today, there are eight active cases in the county reported.

It's that time of year, again. It usually has nothing to do with hunters. It's all about disrespectful folks. Of which very few who happen to be hunters. Trespassing. It's illegal. And trespassers are subject to prosecution, fines, and incarceration. Hunters caught trespassing face even heftier fines, and possibly a longer incarceration. Yes, because of carrying a firearm, if carrying at the time, during an illegal activity. There's also a law on trespass by projectile. Check it out. Stay aware, stay safe. 

$$$$$ WINNER $$$$$WINNER $$$$$ WINNER $$$$$ The Raving Raffle Winner this Week Was # 927400 $$$$$ WINNER Come on in and Collect Your Prize. Fall is in the air - hopefully the HOT is easing. And HATCH CHILI SEASON IS HERE! In honor of that, the ROCKIN’ RAFFLE this week will be for a bottle of HATCH CHILI INFUSED VODKA! Those babies usually run $35 a bottle!  And just to show that we are really in the spirit - all 3 of our Hatch Chili Products are on sale for 25% off while supplies last! We have Hatch Infused Vodka, PLUS Hatch Red Chili Wine and Hatch Green Chili Wine. The wines are delicious with that lovely spicy chili finish. Oh so good. Come catch them before they are gone!
And as always - Drink and Drive Responsibly

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