Monday, September 9, 2024

Volume 35, No. 37, September 10, 2024


Terlingua Moon
Volume 35, No. 37
September 10, 2024 by FreeBird

“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” – Amanda Gorman

BIG BEND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ‑‑ is hosting our annual membership meeting.  This is a special meeting, in which we will be voting in our Board Members.  All voting is done in person, so we ask all members to please be present.  This is also a great time to Join!!  We will have tacos provided by El Gordo's food truck!!  Food will be served at 5:30 and meeting will start at 6pm at the Red Pattillo Community Center, September 12, 2024!!  We looking for to seeing you!!

REGULAR COMMISSIONERS MEETING – September 10, 2024, 9:30 a.m.  See agenda at

VOTER REGISTRATION IN TERLINGUA! ‑‑ Terlingua Post Office, 53600 TX-118, Terlingua, TX 79852, 11 am – 2 pm: Friday, Sept 13; Friday, Sept 20; Friday, Sept 27.  October 7 is the deadline to register to vote in the November General Election.  If there are any youths who are 17 now, but will be 18 by Election Day (November 5) please encourage them to register to vote.

Texas voters can check their voter registration status at or by calling their local voter registrar.  NOTE:  If you live in Precinct 6 be sure to use 79852 (Terlingua) zip code when searching for your registration even if your mailing address zip is 79830. 

OF NOTE: ‑‑At a recent commissioners court, there was a discussion by the Elections Administration Office of remote early voting.  Bottom line, there will not be any remote early voting in Terlingua, BBNP or Marathon, only in Alpine.  The Texas law was changed so that you can't just have a few days of early voting at a remote location, but must do a full two weeks.  Brewster County doesn’t have the budget to pay that many people for two full weeks.  If you're registering voters, it might be good to make them aware that if they need to vote early, they will have to do it in Alpine.  Election Day, November 5th, will be the only voting in Terlingua.

BIG BEND CITIZENS ALLIANCE ‑‑ The BBCA will hold a regular meeting on Friday, September 13th 2024 at the Red Pattillo Community Center, 201 Rex Ivey Rd, Study Butte.  Meet & greet at 5:30 PM; Meeting will begin at 6:00 PM.  We are a 501(c)(3) public charity supporting the Canyon View Community Park, Terlingua Cares, Terlingua Community Garden, Terlingua Recycles, Terlingua Visual Arts, Voices From Both Sides, Terlingua Dark Sky Alliance, and the South County Library Project.  All are welcome to attend this public meeting. For more information, agenda, & minutes, please email or text 432-244-7656.

GET YOUR SPOOK ON ‑‑ Looking forward to another fun year at our 3rd annual "Haunted House".  We will be at the Crisis Center October 24, 25, and 26th.  Stay tuned for more details as we are in the planning stage.  All money raised will go towards a scholarship at TCSD and our local Crisis Center.  If anyone would like to contribute, we will have an Amazon Wish List coming soon, so we can build more props to make it bigger and better every year.  If anyone would like to be a sponsor, please reach out to Amanda Johnson or Kathy Wisdom via Face Book or (432-538-2597).   

OTRA VEZ THRIFT STORE ‑‑ in Study Butte will be reopening this coming Saturday, September 14th.  Lots of new items to look at.  Friendly people to help you with your selection.  Come on in and help us get this season started right!

TAQUERIA EL MILAGRO ‑‑ The very best tacos, authentic Mexican dishes and steaks.  Wednesday through Sunday from 3 pm until 9 pm.  432-371-2060 for takeout via our drive-through window. BYOB!

ESPRESSO … y POCO MAS ‑‑ Terlingua's favorite breakfast and lunch spot.  Homemade, cooked to order menu plus great coffee drinks, smoothies and more.  Strong wifi, newspapers and fantastic views. 432 371 3044 for to go orders. Open at 7:30 a.m.

ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO “VOTE AT HOME”? ‑‑ Everyone who qualifies for a mail ballot should take advantage of the opportunity to use one to vote. To qualify for a mail ballot you must be either

• 65 years or older; or

• Sick or disabled such that you can’t vote without requiring assistance or risking your health; or

• Out of the county on election day and during the period for early voting by personal appearance; or

• Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day; or

• Are confined in jail, but otherwise eligible.

Those over 65 or disabled can even make an annual request for Ballots by Mail to have ballots for all the elections in the year automatically sent to them.

Here's the benefits of voting at home 1) The voter can study the ballot and look into the candidates at their leisure in privacy and security before voting. Citizens are less susceptible to pressure and intimidation voting at home. 2) No standing in line to sign-in. 3) Reduced exposure to viral infections like colds, Covid or Flu in the community. 4) The voter can track their ballot as it goes through the mail to be assured it was received. 5) If the voter provides a phone number and then has an error in submitting their ballot, the election offices can contact them to correct the error in time before Election Day. There is a voter-verified paper trail for every ballot and a tracking system to follow ballots as they are sent out and received.

How do you get an application for a ballot by mail? 1) You can call your local election office (Brewster (432) 837-6230, Presidio (432) 729-4812 and Jeff Davis (432) 426-3251) and request an application (the voter can only request an application for themselves, not for other persons). Or 2) You can go to the Secretary of State website where you can get the form in a printable pdf format or fill out one to print online.

Where do you send your application for a ballot by mail? In Brewster County send it to Lora Nussbaum, Brewster County Early Voting Clerk, 107 West Avenue E #3, Alpine TX 79830-4618.  In Presidio County send it to Florcita Zubia, County Clerk P.O. Box 789, Marfa TX 79843. In Jeff Davis County send it to Jennifer Wright, County Clerk PO Box 398, Fort Davis TX 79734. Don’t forget the stamp!

VERY IMPORTANT 1) Fill in the part of the application regarding identification with BOTH your TX Driver's License number or TX Personal Identification Number AND the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. If the form you are using doesn’t have these spaces, it’s old and should not be used. This is a new requirement and failure to fill in this part has resulted in hundreds of applications being sent back for correction. 2) Provide your signature in the space provided. 3) To get a ballot for the November 5, 2024 General Election the application must be received by the Early Voting Clerk by October 25, 2024. 4) If you are not registered to vote you need to register before you submit your request for a ballot. In order to vote in the General Election register before October 7, 2024.  In some states and countries all voting is by mail, and in other jurisdictions voters can opt to vote by mail or in person as they wish. It’s a popular way to vote. So if you’re eligible, in 2024 stay safe and secure and Vote at Home!


Todos los que califiquen para una boleta de votación por correo deben

aprovechar la oportunidad de usarla para votar. Para calificar para una boleta de

votación por correo, debe ser:

• 65 años o más; o

• Enfermo o discapacitado de tal manera que no puede votar sin requerir asistencia o poner en riesgo su salud; o

• Fuera del condado el día de la elección y durante el período de votación anticipada en persona; o

• Se espera que dé a luz dentro de las tres semanas anteriores o posteriors al día de la elección; o

• Están confinados en la cárcel, pero por lo demás son elegibles.

Las personas mayores de 65 años o discapacitadas pueden incluso hacer una

solicitud anual de voto por correo para que se les envíen automáticamente las

boletas para todas las elecciones del año.

Estos son los beneficios de votar desde casa: 1) El votante puede estudiar la

boleta y ver a los candidatos con tranquilidad, en privacidad y seguridad antes de

votar. Los ciudadanos son menos susceptibles a la presión y la intimidación al

votar desde casa. 2) No hay que hacer cola para firmar. 3) Se reduce la exposición

a infecciones virales como resfriados, Covid o gripe en la comunidad. 4) El votante

puede rastrear su boleta a medida que pasa por el correo para asegurarse de que

se recibió. 5) Si el votante proporciona un número de teléfono y luego comete un

error al enviar su boleta, las oficinas electorales pueden comunicarse con ellos

para corregir el error a tiempo antes del día de las elecciones. Hay un rastro de

papel verificado por el votante para cada boleta y un sistema de seguimiento para

seguir las boletas a medida que se envían y se reciben.

¿Cómo se obtiene una solicitud para una boleta por correo? 1) Puede llamar a su

oficina electoral local (Brewster (432) 837-6230, Presidio (432) 729-4812 y Jeff

Davis (432) 426-3251) y solicitar una solicitud (el votante solo puede solicitar una

solicitud para sí mismo, no para otras personas). O 2) Puede ir al sitio web del

Secretario de Estado

donde podrá obtener el formulario en formato pdf imprimible o completar uno

para imprimir en línea.


¿A dónde envía su solicitud de boleta por correo? En el condado de Brewster,

envíela a Lora Nussbaum, secretaria de votación anticipada del condado de

Brewster, 107 West Avenue E #3, Alpine TX 79830-4618. En el condado de

Presidio, envíela a Florcita Zubia , County Clerk PO Box 789, Marfa TX 79843. En

el condado de Jeff Davis, envíelo a Jennifer Wright, County Clerk PO Box 398,

Fort Davis TX 79734. ¡No olvide el sello!

MUY IMPORTANTE 1) Complete la parte de la solicitud relacionada con la

identificación con TANTO su número de licencia de conducir de TX o su número

de identificación personal de TX como los últimos 4 dígitos de su número de

seguro social. Si el formulario que está utilizando no tiene estos espacios, es

antiguo y no debe usarse. Este es un nuevo requisito y el hecho de no completar

esta parte ha dado como resultado que cientos de solicitudes hayan sido

devueltas para su corrección. 2) Proporcione su firma en el espacio provisto. 3)

Para obtener una boleta para la Elección General del 5 de noviembre de 2024 ,

la solicitud debe ser recibida por el Secretario de Votación Anticipada antes del

25 de octubre de 2024. 4) Si no está registrado para votar, debe registrarse

antes de enviar su solicitud de boleta. Para votar en la Elección General,

regístrese antes del 7 de octubre de 2024.

En algunos estados y países, la votación se realiza por correo, y en otras

jurisdicciones los votantes pueden optar por votar por correo o en persona, según

lo deseen. Es una forma popular de votar. Así que , si eres elegible, en 2024,

mantente seguro y ¡vota desde casa!


For your Water Catchment Tanks, Pumps, Filters and Installation Needs

Located near the Terlingua Ranch Lodge.

Call Mark or Michelle: 432-371-3094 (office) or 806-781-7814 (cell)

PAISANO POST FROM TERLINGUA SCHOOL ‑‑ Ms. A has started up Drama Club again that meets during lunch for high school.  She had also started Power Lifting practice after school for high school.

Mr. Rodriguez started practice with the Folklorico dancers with a younger group and older group practicing after school.

Coach Dodd and Coach A and the Cross Country Paisanos competed in Balmorhea on the 7th.  Top 10 medalists were:  HS Girls:  Brooke 2nd, Asa 3rd; HS Boys:  Brayan 6th; JH Girls:  Xiomara 10th; JH Boys:  Hank 5th. Congratulations to all the Paisano finishers:  Annica, Anna, Adriel, Miliery, and Tatum.

SANTA INEZ ‑‑ Terlingua Ghostown Church, Wednesdays at 5:30pm.  All are welcome.

9/11-Prayer Service-Catholic Rosary


9/18-Music Service-Hymn Sing

9/25-Bible Study Service with Father Mike

TIVO’S PLACE ‑‑ We hope everyone has enjoyed their summer.  So who's been craving some Tacos de Alambre?  How about Mexican Plate or Chile Rellenos?  Tivo's Place will re-open Sunday September 8, 2024.  Hours Sun-Thurs 11-2pm, 5-9pm.  Closed Friday & Saturday

64 DAYS AWAY!!! ‑‑ Who’s ready for some Old fashioned Dutch Oven Cooking?!  LIVE music, cowboy poets, local artists art/trade show, Team Roping, Goat Roping and more!  JOIN US FOR OUR 6th ANNUAL DUTCH OVEN COOK OFF AND TEAM ROPING!  NOVEMBER 8 & 9 JAF Improvement Association, Inc. (Jackass Flats) Terlingua, TX.

Entry fees for Team Roping

 $125.00 for 3 runs. Pick 1 draw 2

$500 added money

1st Place- Buckles & money

2nd Place- prizes and money

3rd Place- Prizes

Photographer Tony Drewry

MILKY WAY TREATS ‑‑ ice cream trailer will be open this weekend, Sat-Mon, 4pm-9pm.  Stop by and try one of our delicious sundaes or shakes.  Don’t forget, we have pints to-go of homemade ice cream, made from scratch with love. We’re located next to The Boathouse.  Gracias, Terlingua!

SATURDAY COMMUNITY MARKET ‑‑ Come see us at the Saturday Community Market from 10:00-1:00.  Located at the Community Garden in the Ghost Town, we're here every Saturday with happy vendors offering an array of locally produced goods and other items.

Fresh eggs, local art, handcrafted textile goods, goat milk soap, all natural lip balms and skin care products, essential oil perfumes, leather goods, handcrafted, creative jewelry, block printed textiles and vintage goods, both curated and upcycled, practical and artistic items made of reclaimed steel and more -- you never know just what or who you'll find here. Indeed, lately, chess players have been meeting up for a game or two or three or...

We welcome new vendors.  Flea market items are also welcome.  After all, reusing and up-cycling already existing items is smart and green.  We ask a $10 donation to the Community Garden to set up, helping us to continue to improve this space and experience for all of us.  For more information, text or call 432.213.1863, email or pop in to the market for a chat.  Prepared food vendors must display current food handling license.  (A quick, easy and affordable online course can provide that).

Please help keep our market space safe and comfortable for all, two-legged and four, by keeping all dogs leashed and under control.  We look forward to seeing you there.

RUSTIC IRON ‑‑ FYI- Here is our current upcoming fall music venue and events.  Will update as needed- If I missed anyone just show up anyway.  Tks-DB

> Sept.13th TBA Nueva Generación folklore dancers  ???

> Sept. 14th River Run to the Post in Presidio. Riders will stop by for lunch on the way back to the festivities at the Post in Presidio.

> 5-7pm Oct. 5th Anna La Mare

> 5-7 pm Oct. 9th-Juniper

> 5-7pm Oct. 16th-John Cavender

> 5-7pm Oct. 17th-Nanibyrd

> 11am-12am Oct. 19th Terlingua Firefighters and EMTs Ball

> 10am-12pm-Music Bash Gospel Brunch

> 5-7pm Oct. 24th Alex Teller

> 9-11pm Oct. 25th Scott Walker Band

> 5-8pm  Oct. 26th The Wayward Gypsies

> 5-8 pm Oct. 27th The Moonshiners

> 5-8 pm Oct. 30th Johnny Lloyd

> 5-8pm Oct. 31st The Wayward Gypsies

> 5-8pm Nov. 1st-Rory Hancock Band

> 5-7pm Nov. 2nd Jake Douglas

> 9-11pm Nov.11th Scott Walker Band

> 5-7pm Nov. 9th Blind Squirrel

> 4-7pm Nov. 10th Hank Woji Conspiracy

> 5-7pm Nov. 20th Nanibyrd

> 5-7 pm Nov. 30th Alex Teller

> 5-7pm Dec. 6th Alex Teller

> 5-7pm Dec.13th Nanibyrd

> 5-7pm Dec. 21st Blind Squirrel

> 5-7 pm Dec 26th Dave Christen


EVERY DAY is Dark Skies Day in Terlingua!  
Make sure you are keeping your lights in Dark Skies Initiative compliance! 
In memory of Jeff Haislip.

Happy Hour & Reverse Happy Hour specials every night from 5pm-6pm, then again from 10pm-11pm - Starlight

Wing Wednesday and Chess Club every Wednesday at Long Draw Pizza

Saturday Community Market from 10:00-1:00 - Community Garden

Weekly AA Meetings Thursdays at Big Bend Church 730PM

Free Mimosas at Venga every weekend

As it happens - Mostly Sunday and Wednesday afternoons on The Porch - pickers' jam - Just show up, start playing, and maybe more will come!

Thursdays at St. Inez Church - Terlingua Taize singing group led by June Rapp

CLINIC - Wednesdays at EMT station

Saturdays - High Sierra - Starting at 10:30 PM - Late Night Pizza

Monday Nights - Karaoke - High Sierra

Tuesday Nights - Trivia - High Sierra

9/5 - Ryan Roberts - - Starlight

9/5 - Ryan Roberts - Boathouse

9/6 - Bill Palmer - Boathouse

9/6 - Moses Martinez - Starlight

9/7 - Ella Reid- Starlight

9/7 - Dave Martinez - Boathouse

9/8 - Case Sutherland followed by Marc Utter-  Boathouse

9/9 - Caleb Wilbourn - Starlight

9/12 - Laird Considine- Starlight

9/12 - Caleb Wilbourn - Boathouse

9/13- Brent Ryan - Starlight

9/13 - NaniByrd - Boathouse

9/14 - Yosh and Yimmy - Starlight

Sept 14 - Peso Supreme- Boathouse

9/15 - Sierra Turcot - Boathouse

9/16 - Marc Utter- Starlight

9/19 - Ryan Roberts- Starlight

9/19 - Gary Gorence - Boathouse

9/20 - Gary Gorence- Starlight

9/20 Bill Palmer - Boathouse

9/21 - Moonshiners - Boathouse

9/21 - Bill Palmer - Starlight

9/22 - Ross Bullock - Boathouse

9/23 - Marc Utter- Starlight

9/26- Caleb Wilbourn- Starlight

9/26 - Darcy Carlson - Boathouse

9/27- Moses Martinez - Starlight

Sept 27 - Peso Supreme- Boathouse

Sep 28 - Sherita Perez - Starlight

9/28 - Caleb Wilbourn - Boathouse

Sep 29 - Sherita Perez - Boathouse

9/30 - The Whitmores- Starlight

10/3 - Bill Palmer - Starlight

10/4- Christina Gomez- Starlight

10/5 - Anna La Mare - DB's

10/5- Bruce Salmon- Starlight

10/6 - Anna La Mare - Starlight

10/7 - Hamp Brockton- Starlight

2nd weekend Oct - Trilogy Tournament - 2nd Annual Extreme Desert Disc Golf Tournament

Earth and Fire Gallery 

We had a wonderful Welcome back party for our September Guest Artist Kathleen Griffith!  Great art and music, wine and food! Her treasues continue on display till the end of the month!

LONG DRAW PIZZA ‑‑ Our season Live at Long Draw Music Series begins this Friday with the incredible Moses Martinez. This year we will have t-shirts available for select shows/artists.  This is the first design for Moses who is playing several Friday nights.  We have ordered stock to have on hand in the restaurant.  But, also, stay tuned and we will share links where you can order shirts and have them shipped directly to you.  The best part is a portion of the sales go directly to the artist. Support your favorite local artists by wearing merch.  Gift them to your friends.  Send a little Terlingua/LDP magic anywhere.  And, stay tuned as we fill the schedule. Don’t miss the shows and obviously your favorite!! 

PS: Don’t worry ladies- we’ve already got the Bill Palmer shirts on order!

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ‑‑ meeting: if you have, or think you might have, a drinking problem, we meet at 7:30 Thursday evening at the Big Bend Church, just north of the post office.


Send your MOON news and submissions by Monday NOON for that week’s MOON.  Email to  Please no PDFs or fancy fonts!  (We like it easy.)  On the web at:  For 35 years, THE source for news in South Brewster County.  Updated every Tuesday (sometimes Monday).

Monday, September 2, 2024

TERLINGUA MOON - Vol. 35, No. 36

September 2, 2024                    
by Terlingua Thinking Team

"Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul ... but I must confess that I love you only because you are a prelude to my beloved October." — Peggy Toney Horton

Recycle Trailer will be open this Saturday, Sept 7 from 9-11 at the baseball fields next to the school.

Voter Registration Deadline - October 7
Deadline to submit your Application for a Ballot by Mail (received by date) - October 25
Early Voting - October 21 - November 1
Election Day - November 5

The Tri-County Voter Promoters encourages people to vote and helps them to do so. We help them find out if they are fully registered, or if they need to update their registration with a new address. We show them how to check their voter status at the Secretary of State’s My Voter Portal. We are a nonpartisan organization that registers all comers. Our goal is to expand the voter base, with special attention to younger voters.

We also provide information to voters about their options for voting, to help make their voting experience more enjoyable. Some may prefer to vote in person on election day, others may want to avoid the lines by early voting, and others may benefit from voting-by-mail – especially senior citizens and persons with disabilities. We want voters to understand the qualifications for voting-by-mail, the process of doing so, and the potential benefits. The attached documents, in English and Spanish, provide this information.

Many thanks! More info in Spanish and English is below.

Come see us at the Saturday Community Market from 10:00-1:00. Located at the Community Garden in the Ghost Town, we're here every Saturday with happy vendors offering an array of locally produced goods and other items.

Fresh eggs, local art, handcrafted textile goods, goat milk soap, all natural lip balms and skin care products, essential oil perfumes, leather goods, handcrafted, creative jewelry, block printed textiles and vintage goods, both curated and upcycled, practical and artistic items made of reclaimed steel and more -- you never know just what or who you'll find here. Indeed, lately, chess players have been meeting up for a game or two or three or...

We welcome new vendors. Flea market items are also welcome. After all, reusing and up-cycling already existing items is smart and green. We ask a $10 donation to the Community Garden to set up, helping us to continue to improve this space and experience for all of us. For more information, text or call 432.213.1863, email or pop in to the market for a chat. Prepared food vendors must display current food handling licence. (A quick, easy and affordable online course can provide that).

Please help keep our market space safe and comfortable for all, two-legged and four, by keeping all dogs leashed and under control. We look forward to seeing you there.

Featuring Multi-media Artist Kathleen Griffith.  Sept 1st - Sept 30.   Reception Saturday Sept 7th, 5-8 p.m. Refreshments and Live Music with Tom Griffith & Friends

Graveside Service for Maria Klingemann will be held Wednesday, September 4 at 1:00 p.m. at the Alpine Cemetery. Maria was a long-time resident of Terlingua. (Obituary is below.)

A graveside service and interment will be held at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, September 5, 2024, at Moody Cemetery with Robert Leathers officiating.  Nita was a long-time resident of Terlingua.
 (Obituary is below.)

TERLINGUA RANCH PROPERTY OWNERS’ POTLUCK:  Please join your friends and neighbors at the next monthly property owners’ potluck on Thursday, September 5th, 6:00 p.m. at The Bunkhouse.  Please bring a covered dish to share.  The ranch will provide cutlery, paper plates, iced tea, and water.  For more information, please call Marilynn at 432.371.2194.


Karaoke Mondays at 8
Rave Dance Music Saturdays 10 p.m. - 2 a.m.

STARLIGHT - Music 6 - 9 p.m.
Sept 2 - The Broussards
Sept 5 - Ryan Roberts
Sept 6 - Moses Martinez
Sept 7 - Ella Reid
Sept 9 - Caleb Wilbourn

BOATHOUSE - Music 8-11 p.m.
Sept 4 - Open Mic w Rory Hancock
Sept 8 - Case Sutherland -  Boathouse

A new National Park Service report shows that, in 2023, 509,000 park visitors spent an estimated $48.7 million in local gateway regions while visiting Big Bend National Park and Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River.  To view the full news release, please visit the Big Bend National Park news release page:

Please sign the petition, which currently has over 1,000 signatures. If FB is your thing, consider joining the group Terlinguans Against Dollar General.

Ice cream trailer will be open this weekend, Sat-Mon, 4-9 p.m. Stop by and try one of our delicious sundaes or shakes. Don’t forget, we have pints to go of homemade ice cream, made from scratch with love. We’re located next to The Boathouse. Gracias, Terlingua!

The BBCA will hold a regular meeting on Friday, September 13, 2024 at the Red Pattillo Community Center, 201 Rex Ivey Rd, Study Butte. Meet & greet at 5:30 p.m.; Meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. We are a 501(c)(3) public charity supporting the Canyon View Community Park, Terlingua Cares, Terlingua Community Garden, Terlingua Recycles, Terlingua Visual Arts, Voices From Both Sides, Terlingua Dark Sky Alliance, and the South County Library Project. All are welcome to attend this public meeting. For more information, agenda, & minutes, please email or text 432-244-7656.

Big Bend Chamber of Commerce is hosting our annual membership meeting. This is a special meeting, in which we will be voting in our Board Members. All voting is done in person, so we ask all members to please be present. This is also a great time to Join!! We will have tacos provided by El Gordo's food truck!! Food will be served at 5:30 and meeting will start at 6 p.m. at the Red Pattillo Community center September 12, 2024!! We looking for to seeing you!!

Hello, we are gearing up for our 3rd annual Haunted House, held at the Crisis Center on October 24, 25, 26th. If anyone would like to be a sponsor, please let Amanda Johnson or Kathy Wisdom know. We make the props for this event but are in need of supplies. The money we make at the Haunted House stays in our community: half of the money goes to our crisis center: half of the money goes to a scholarship at Terlingua School.
Tacos, authentic Mexican dishes plus steaks. Wed. through Sunday - 5-9 p.m. 432 371-2060  for take-out via our drive through window.  Fun seating with beautiful views for dining in and BYOB so have a party!We are back to normal hours! Fantastic tacos, authentic Mexican dishes and steaks. Wednesday through Sunday from 3 p.m. until 9 p.m. 432 371-2060  for take out via our drive through window. BYOB so have a party!

Terlingua's favorite breakfast and lunch spot.  Homemade and cooked to order menu plus great coffee drinks, smoothies and more.  Strong wifi, newspapers and stunning views. Call 432 371 3044 for to go orders. Open at 7:30 a.m.

Meeting: if you have, or think you might have, a drinking problem, we meet at 7:30 Thursday evening at the Big Bend Church, just north of the post office.

September Events: All Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.
The Episcopal Church welcomes all. Come as you are and check out a service.
9/4: Traditional Holy Eucharist service
9/11: Rosary Prayer service
9/18: Bible study service
9/25: Hymn Sing music service
Prayer books are available in English and Spanish.

Coach Daley, Coach Aizupitis, the Paisano XC athletes, and Team Manager Shyla traveled to Van Horn on Wednesday the 25th. Congratulations to Annica(1st), Brooke(2nd), Asa(5th) in Varsity Girls and Hank(5th) in Junior High Boys. Other finishers were Adriel, Brayan, Desiree, and Anna. More student athletes have joined with the beginning of school and the future is bright for these hard working kids. Go Paisanos! Next race is in Balmorhea on 7th.
Much of Terlingua is barren, dry, eroded, and lacks shade but after 2.5 years I have over 40 native trees with established root systems, native bunch grasses, and myriad native perennials, forbs, shrubs, and ground covers.  These are before and after photos  I can help you do this for your property without needing to buy plants, irrigate, or amend soil.  Having gained 20 years professional landscape architecture and permaculture design experience, I'm offering a free strategy and special on-site consultations to help local landowners restore their property to its best ecological health possible; you'd be surprised! Visit to sign up.

Are You Eligible to “Vote at Home”?
Everyone who qualifies for a mail ballot should take advantage of the opportunity
to use one to vote. To qualify for a mail ballot you must be either
• 65 years or older; or
• Sick or disabled such that you can’t vote without requiring assistance or
risking your health; or
• Out of the county on election day and during the period for early voting by
personal appearance; or
• Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day; or
• Are confined in jail, but otherwise eligible.
Those over 65 or disabled can even make an annual request for Ballots by Mail to
have ballots for all the elections in the year automatically sent to them.
Here's the benefits of voting at home 1) The voter can study the ballot and look
into the candidates at their leisure in privacy and security before voting. Citizens
are less susceptible to pressure and intimidation voting at home. 2) No standing
in line to sign-in. 3) Reduced exposure to viral infections like colds, Covid or Flu in
the community. 4) The voter can track their ballot as it goes through the mail to
be assured it was received. 5) If the voter provides a phone number and then has
an error in submitting their ballot, the election offices can contact them to correct
the error in time before Election Day. There is a voter-verified paper trail for every
ballot and a tracking system to follow ballots as they are sent out and received.
How do you get an application for a ballot by mail? 1) You can call your local
election office (Brewster (432) 837-6230, Presidio (432) 729-4812 and Jeff Davis
(432) 426-3251) and request an application (the voter can only request an
application for themselves, not for other persons). Or 2) You can go to the
Secretary of State website
where you can get the form in a printable pdf format or fill out one to print

Where do you send your application for a ballot by mail? In Brewster County
send it to Lora Nussbaum, Brewster County Early Voting Clerk, 107 West Avenue #3, Alpine TX 79830-4618. Don’t forget the stamp! VERY IMPORTANT: 1) Fill in the part of the application regarding identification with BOTH your TX Driver's License number or TX Personal Identification Number AND the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. If the form you
are using doesn’t have these spaces, it’s old and should not be used. This is a new requirement and failure to fill in this part has resulted in hundreds of applications being sent back for correction. 2) Provide your signature in the space provided. 3) To get a ballot for the November 5, 2024 General Election the application must be received by the Early Voting Clerk by October 25, 2024. 4) If you are not registered to vote you need to register before you submit your
request for a ballot. In order to vote in the General Election register before
October 7, 2024. In some states and countries all voting is by mail, and in other jurisdictions voters can opt to vote by mail or in person as they wish. It’s a popular way to vote. So if
you’re eligible, in 2024 stay safe and secure and Vote at Home!
Tri-County Voter Promoters will be registering voters in Brewster,
Presidio and Jeff Davis County until the October 7, 2024 deadline. For
help in getting registered or to help register voters, please contact
Roy Morey at (432) 426-0122 or at The
Secretary of State Voter Registration site is
Tri-county Voter Promoters is a non-partisan, voluntary organization assisting citizens in
Brewster, Jeff Davis and Presidio counties register to vote and participate in elections.


¿Es usted elegible para “Votar en Casa”?

Todos los que califiquen para una boleta de votación por correo deben
aprovechar la oportunidad de usarla para votar. Para calificar para una boleta de
votación por correo, debe ser:
• 65 años o más; o
• Enfermo o discapacitado de tal manera que no puede votar sin requerir
asistencia o poner en riesgo su salud; o
• Fuera del condado el día de la elección y durante el período de votación
anticipada en persona; o
• Se espera que dé a luz dentro de las tres semanas anteriores o posteriores
al día de la elección; o
• Están confinados en la cárcel, pero por lo demás son elegibles.
Las personas mayores de 65 años o discapacitadas pueden incluso hacer una
solicitud anual de voto por correo para que se les envíen automáticamente las
boletas para todas las elecciones del año.
Estos son los beneficios de votar desde casa: 1) El votante puede estudiar la
boleta y ver a los candidatos con tranquilidad, en privacidad y seguridad antes de
votar. Los ciudadanos son menos susceptibles a la presión y la intimidación al
votar desde casa. 2) No hay que hacer cola para firmar. 3) Se reduce la exposición
a infecciones virales como resfriados, Covid o gripe en la comunidad. 4) El votante
puede rastrear su boleta a medida que pasa por el correo para asegurarse de que
se recibió. 5) Si el votante proporciona un número de teléfono y luego comete un
error al enviar su boleta, las oficinas electorales pueden comunicarse con ellos
para corregir el error a tiempo antes del día de las elecciones. Hay un rastro de
papel verificado por el votante para cada boleta y un sistema de seguimiento para
seguir las boletas a medida que se envían y se reciben.
¿Cómo se obtiene una solicitud para una boleta por correo? 1) Puede llamar a su
oficina electoral local (Brewster (432) 837-6230, Presidio (432) 729-4812 y Jeff
Davis (432) 426-3251) y solicitar una solicitud (el votante solo puede solicitar una
solicitud para sí mismo, no para otras personas). O 2) Puede ir al sitio web del
Secretario de Estado
donde podrá obtener el formulario en formato pdf imprimible o completar uno
para imprimir en línea.

¿A dónde envía su solicitud de boleta por correo? En el condado de Brewster,
envíela a Lora Nussbaum, secretaria de votación anticipada del condado de
Brewster, 107 West Avenue E #3, Alpine TX 79830-4618. En el condado de
Presidio, envíela a Florcita Zubia , County Clerk PO Box 789, Marfa TX 79843. En
el condado de Jeff Davis, envíelo a Jennifer Wright, County Clerk PO Box 398,
Fort Davis TX 79734. ¡No olvide el sello!
MUY IMPORTANTE 1) Complete la parte de la solicitud relacionada con la
identificación con TANTO su número de licencia de conducir de TX o su número
de identificación personal de TX como los últimos 4 dígitos de su número de
seguro social. Si el formulario que está utilizando no tiene estos espacios, es
antiguo y no debe usarse. Este es un nuevo requisito y el hecho de no completar
esta parte ha dado como resultado que cientos de solicitudes hayan sido
devueltas para su corrección. 2) Proporcione su firma en el espacio provisto. 3)
Para obtener una boleta para la Elección General del 5 de noviembre de 2024 ,
la solicitud debe ser recibida por el Secretario de Votación Anticipada antes del
25 de octubre de 2024. 4) Si no está registrado para votar, debe registrarse
antes de enviar su solicitud de boleta. Para votar en la Elección General,
regístrese antes del 7 de octubre de 2024.
En algunos estados y países, la votación se realiza por correo, y en otras
jurisdicciones los votantes pueden optar por votar por correo o en persona, según
lo deseen. Es una forma popular de votar. Así que , si eres elegible, en 2024,
mantente seguro y ¡vota desde casa!
Los promotores de votantes de Tri-County registrarán a los votantes
en los condados de Brewster, Presidio y Jeff Davis hasta la fecha límite
del 7 de octubre de 2024. Si necesita ayuda para registrarse o para
registrar a los votantes, comuníquese con Roy Morey al (432) 426-
0122 o al correo electrónico El sitio de registro
de votantes del Secretario de Estado es

Tri-county Voter Promoters es una organización voluntaria no partidista que ayuda a los
ciudadanos de los condados de Brewster, Jeff Davis y Presidio a registrarse para votar y
participar en las elecciones.

September 5, 1929 — August 22, 2024
Terlingua, Texas formerly of Moody, Texas

Nita Brashear, age 94, of Terlingua, formerly of Moody, passed away Thursday, August 22, 2024. A graveside service and interment will be held at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, September 5, 2024, at Moody Cemetery with Robert Leathers officiating.

Nita was born September 5, 1929, to Hershel and Lucille Lasly in McLennan County. She attended Moody schools. She worked at the Texas A & M Agrilife Research Center in McGregor where she taught the “so-called experts” how it was done. She was a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother who loved her family dearly. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Nita not only enjoyed life; she cherished and embraced it! A longtime resident of Moody, Texas, in her later years Nita relocated to Terlingua where she continued to enjoy an active and fulfilling life and was the recipient of the Big Bend Chamber of Commerce 2022 Pioneer Award. Nita was a fixture in Terlingua as both locals and tourists would pay their respects to the "Queen of Terlingua" when she was out and about. Her birthday parties became a local event where the majority of the community would attend to celebrate her and her life. And you’d better have had a good excuse for not being there or if you forgot to give Nita a hug she’d let you know she could still “take you outside and kick your butt”. Yet for all her ornery bravado Nita genuinely cared for her friends and neighbors and they loved her in return. Nita was definitely one of a kind and her presence will forever be missed.

Nita was preceded in death by her parents, Hershel and Lucille Lasly; husband, William Sylvester “Silver” Brashear; son, Ronald Curtis Lasly; daughter Deborah Lynn Dowell; grandson Landy Dowell; and sisters, Gracie Lavenia (Beans) Vandiver and Delores Guest.

She is survived by her special friend Ray Masseau; daughter-in-law Ramona Lasly; grandchildren, Ronald Lasly, Jr.; Shayne Dowell and wife, Priscilla; Chad Dowell and wife, Jennifer; several great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews, and a multitude of friends.

The Lord called home a humble servant this past week. Maria Amelia Klingemann of Ojinaga, Chihuahua Mexico was born on July 9, 1950 to Eusebio and Clementina Rodriguez. Maria passed away this past Friday, May 17, 2024 in Odessa, Texas. Maria married John Klingemann in March of 1973 in Ojinaga where they lived for a short time before moving to West Texas where they resided for many years. Since the 1980s, she and John lived in the Terlingua area before moving to Saragosa, Texas where they resided for the last two years. She faithfully served as a member of the local Volunteer Fire Department, and as the longest serving member of the Big Bend Church. Maria took pride in raising her children.

 She is survived by her husband, John, daughters Daphne Estrada of San Angelo and JoAnn Klein of Saragosa, her son John Klingemann of San Angelo and many grandchildren.

Graveside services will be held in Elm Grove Cemetery in Alpine cemetery on Wednesday, September 4 at 1:00 p.m. at the Alpine Cemetery.  
The family requests that anyone wishing to send flowers or make donations, instead consider making a donation to their favorite charity in Maria’s name. The family thanks the healthcare staff at Odessa Regional Medical Center and ContinueCARE for their outstanding care.