Tomorrow - Tuesday, November 8 is Election Day. Polls are open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Registered voters in the Terlingua area can vote at the following locations:
Precinct 5: Panther Junction Community Room - Big Bend National Park
Precinct 6 & 7: Red Pattillo Community Center (behind the Post Office in Terlingua)
There is some confusion over the Voter ID laws in Texas so hopefully this will speed things up for folks tomorrow.
The easiest way to get through the line is to have your voter registration card and a photo ID. The IDs accepted are Texas Driver License, Texas Election Identification Certificate, Texas Personal Identification Card, Texas License to Carry a Handgun, US Military Identification Card, United States Citizenship Certificate or Certificate of Naturalization, or a United States Passport or Passport Card. These must not be more than 4 years expired.
If you do not have one of the above, you will still be allowed to vote with your voter registration certificate, certified birth certificate, current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document with your name and address. If you don't have a photo ID and are going to vote using one of the above for ID purposes, you will be asked to execute a Reasonable Impediment Declaration.
Remember though - you must have been registered to vote in either Precinct 6 or Precinct 7 by October 12 to vote in the general election at the community center on Tuesday or in Precinct 5 to vote at BBNP Panther Junction Community Room.
Terlingua Farmers Market resumes!
Saturday November 12th 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Vendors - Bring your locally grown food and eggs, locally made crafts and goodies to share with your community. All are welcome! Set up starts at 9 a.m. Bring your own table and chair. Musicians and entertainers, we extend an open invitation.
Questions? Contact us at
The 12th will be a busy day in Terlingua Ghost Town! The Joee Barnes Memorial also takes place on the 12th. Horseshoes and other games start at 10 AM and food at 1 PM. Please come and show your support. A $10 donation is requested for lunch. All proceeds to the Joee Barnes Scholarship for our Big Bend Students.
The Terlingua Store is now OPEN!
229-70 FM 170
Terlingua, TX 79852
Open from 7-9!
Snacks, beer, water, morning coffee and a little bit of everything else! And more coming soon.
This week at High Sierra:
Friday 11/11. Woji/Kozloff 7 PM
Saturday 11/12 Dr Fun. 7 PM
Sunday 11/13. Russell Pyle 7 PM - outdoor patio
Come watch your favorite sporting event on our big screen TV!!
Reminder, friends. Please have your submissions to no later than noon each Monday for that week’s Moon distribution. Also, you need to send your submission every week – we aren’t able to manage any “standing” submissions. All editors are volunteers and rotate every 6-7 weeks so it is not possible to make sure your information is included if not sent each week. Thanks!
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