Tuesday, September 13, 2016
TERLINGUA MOON Vol. 27 No. 37 Sept. 13, 2016 By MaeWestern
"I believe in practicing prudence at least once every two or three years." -Molly Ivins
Flu Shots!
John Alexander PA has a limited number of Flu Shots. $30.00.
Please call 432-424-3535 to schedule a time.
This Week at La Kiva
Tuesday- Karaoke
Wednesday- Jim Mazurkiewicz Polka Band
Thursday- Hogan & Moss - fish and chips food feature
Friday- Come help us celebrate Mexican Independence Day! Chuy is DJ-ing and we will have great food and drink specials all night.
Saturday- Steak Night
Sunday- Flavored Margarita Features
On Thursday, 9/15, we will be holding open interviews all day for a variety of positions for the coming season. If interested, come see us in the office just off the patio.
Viva La Kiva!
Espresso…Y Poco Mas
Located in the Ghostown @ La Posada Milagro Guesthouse
serving breakfast and lunch every day!!
Hours: 7:30am-1:45
We will have Chiles Rellenos as a Special!!
We also have the best coffee and food in town!
This Week at The Starlight
Monday: Bruce Salmon
Tuesday: Uh Clem
Wednesday: Elizabeth Lee with Pat obeys and Trevor Hickle
Friday: Laird Considine & Friends
Saturday: Stephanie Nilles
Monday: Jeff Haislip
Hope to see you soon!
Meet the Teachers
Big Bend High School invites all parents of high school students to a faculty meet and greet on Thursday, Sept. 15 at 6 at the high school. Light refreshments will be served from 6-6:30. Teachers will speak to the parents about goals and expectations for the students starting at 6:30. At 7, there is a Senior Gear Up meeting for parents of the senior class. Parents are urged to attend.
Desert Expression Beauty Salon
229-70 FM 170
Terlingua, TX 79852
Hair cuts, color, pedicures and more!
September 20, 21, & 22
September 27, 28, & 29
October 4, 5, & 6
October 18, 19, & 20
Call Kaci Kothmann for your appointment.
Walk-ins Welcome
Water Tanks and State Law
So far, only 3 small WYLIE tanks are confirmed on the current truck-load. Call 371-2506 with questions, or to put your name on the list.
Prices remain an average of $50 less then they were earlier this year, but are subject to increase if the price of oil goes up.
And, here is an INCENTIVE for us to present to our County officials: The Texas Legislature allows the exemption of part or all of the assessed value of the property on which approved water conservation initiatives, such as rainwater harvesting, are made (Texas Tax Code § 11.32). Individuals planning to install rainwater harvesting systems are encouraged to check with their respective county appraisal districts for guidance on exemption from county property taxes. For more TEXAS rain-harvesting news and regs, go to http://www.texrca.org/resources/links/
Earth & Fire Gallery Opening
Earth & Fire Gallery is please to announce its opening on Saturday, September 17 from 6pm - 8pm for our newest guest artist, Jackie Lugo. Jackie is a trained designer with a degree from Florida State University. Her fruitful career had taken her from NYC to London to LA when she decided to take a break from it all to explore new creative outlets. The pull of the desert was so strong Jackie just had to stick around Terlingua for awhile. These days she can be found weaving in the desert, having dance parties on the desolate roads, strumming her ukulele at sunset, hiking around Big Bend to refuel, meditating during yoga at sunrise, and exploring new mediums and techniques to continue challenging herself. Earth & Fire Gallery is excited to feature her very creative work. Come meet Jackie and see her beautiful creations Saturday from 6-8 pm at the Earth & Fire Gallery in the Ghost Town!
Randoff’s Big Bend BBQ
Randoff’s Big Bend BBQ Will Be Open Friday and Saturdays Only For Lunch Beginning Sept 30, 11am-2pm or Sold Out! Come and Taste Why We Are “BBQ With A Bend”!
Located In The Oasis Lodge at Far Flung Outdoor Center.
Shot Time Liquors
We have new items in the store. Green Scene Raffle Tickets can be purchased in the store. Come get tickets while they last, October 22, 2016 is coming fast! We proudly support our local producers. Come check out our wares: music, glass, art, beer, and even ice for home use or wrapped as gifts. And way more coming soon! Visit us anytime Mon thru Sat 10am to 9pm. 371-3155, like us on Facebook at Shot Time Liquorz -n- Beerz!
Sponsorship for Terlingua Artists Calendar
Many local businesses in the area have supported our Terlingua Artists Calendar now for two years. Their backing makes it possible to create another calendar and promote other art events this year!
This week Terlingua Visual Arts will be mailing pledge cards to local businesses and other interested parties offering sponsorship for the upcoming 2017 calendar. Look for yours in the mail, and if you don’t receive one and would like to be a sponsor, contact Mary at the Terlingua Visual Arts Facebook page or at 371-2999. Your name or business name will appear on the calendar showing your support for local artists!
DB’s Rustic Iron BBQ
Located next to Chisos Mining Company Motel
Thur-Fri-Sat, 11am-till sold out. Brisket, Ribs,Turkey Breast, Sausage, with sides and fixings.
Thursday is birdsday after 4:30 pm.
Check us out on FACEBOOK , TRIP Advisor and Yelp
We appreciate your patronage
Green Scene
The Terlingua Community Garden will be raffling off three awesome prizes at the GREEN SCENE on October 22nd! For just $10 per ticket (3 tickets for $25) you could win a 400W solar power kit ($750 value) or a Sun Oven solar cooker ($300 value) or a large radial clothesline ($200 value). Tickets are available from Green Scene volunteers or at the following businesses: Cottonwood Store, Terlingua Ranch Lodge, All Energies, La Kiva, and Shot Time Liquors. For more info, email terlinguagreenscene@gmail.com or call Sara at 371-2902.
All Energies
All Energies has Suniva 285W solar panels in stock for just a dollar a watt! Made in the USA. Stop by our highway workshop on 118. We accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards, and PayPal. We recommend you bring a friend to help you load them. For more information, email Casey@allenergies.net or call 371-2950.
Terlingua Bottoms Group
The Terlingua Bottoms Group of AA meets every Thursday at 7:30 at the Big Bend Church in Study Butte. The meetings are open to anyone who has or thinks they may have a drinking problem.
Midsummer Night’s Dream Garden Party
SAVE the DATE! Sunday, September 18, 4 pm, the annual Midsummer Night’s Dream Garden Party at the beautiful Hotel Limpia in Fort Davis. Enjoy live Elizabethan music, appetizers and cash bar, and a spectacular production of excerpts from William Shakespeare’s famous play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, presented by Sul Ross theatre students under the direction of professor Dona Roman. Free program sponsored by the Friends of the Jeff Davis County Library. Drawing tickets for outstanding items from local artists and businesses will be sold at the post office lobby, beginning tomorrow, mid-day. STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS!
New Data on Eminent Domain
From Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts: Eminent domain. It’s one of the oldest and most controversial powers governments have, the power to seize or use private property for a “public good.”
The Texas and federal constitutions both stipulate a landowner subject to eminent domain must be compensated — but that’s not the same thing as having a say in the decision.
Of course, some use of eminent domain is inevitable and even essential. Without access to private land, we wouldn’t have roads, sewers, electric power grids and pipelines. But a power this sweeping is one that should be watched very carefully indeed.
The number of entities with eminent domain powers has risen sharply over the years. Literally thousands of entities in Texas, both governments and private companies with delegated authority, claim some form of eminent domain power.
To get a better handle on the extent of eminent domain in Texas, my office assembled the first-ever online database of entities claiming this power in Texas. This week, we’re unveiling that database.
It contains more than 5,000 entities, including cities, counties, school districts, special-purpose districts, pipeline and energy companies, water supply corporations and other public and private entities. For each, you’ll be able to view:
the entity’s name and contact information;
the date upon which the entity claims to have been authorized to exercise eminent domain authority;
whether the entity filed a condemnation petition in calendar 2015;
the projects or purposes for which the entity holds eminent domain authority; and
the provisions of the law granting the entity authority.
This is clearly an area in which transparency is essential. Knowing who can use eminent domain is a first step to ensuring that this important but potentially oppressive power is used wisely and well.
For more information, please visit our online eminent domain database.
Brewster County Job Opening
Brewster County is currently hiring for an Emergency Management Coordinator. For more information and an application please follow the link below to our website.
Full Moon Potluck
SEPT 16th
Closest moon to the Fall Equinox !!
This should evoke some spectacular dishs !
Bring a chair, & dish or music ......
Can’t wait to see you ;)
The Full Moon nearest the autumnal equinox is named the Harvest Moon since, during this month, the Moon helps the
harvest by providing more light at the right time than other Full Moons do. Learn more in our article about the Harvest Moon.
In years when the Harvest Moon falls in October, the September full Moon is usually known as the Full Corn Moon because it traditionally corresponds with the time of harvesting
corn. It is also called the Barley Moon because this is the time to harvest and thresh the ripened barley.
“Moon When the Plums Are Scarlet” by the Lakota Sioux Native Americans.
“Moon When the Deer Paw the Earth” by the Omaha Native Americans.
“Moon When the Calves Grow Hair” by the Sioux Native Americans
Regarding the Events of Sept. 8 in Alpine
On behalf of Brewster County, it is with heavy heart and extreme sadness that I want to reach out to our community during this difficult time. While the events of the day are truly tragic, we all know they could have been much worse. I would like to thank all first responders, AISD, teachers and administration, as well as students whom may have helped prevent the situation from escalating. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those directly affected by today’s events. Rest assured, the community at large feels your pain and the healing process will be a community wide initiative.
Respectfully here to serve you,
Judge Cano
West Fest and Cabrito Cook-Off
Date: September 17, 2016
Saturday, September 17, 2016 West Fest in Marathon, Texas at the Post Park
Event: West Fest
What happens: Cabrito Cook-Off, Dance, Margarita mixing contest, and live music all day
Terlingua Tool Rentals & Storage Units
Just a half mile down S County Road. Jimmy Taylor, owner 371-2621. Save yourself a trip to Alpine & back, rent locally. Only 2 storage units left, reserve yours soon.
Terlingua Project Photo Shoot
Just a note to remind those of you in Terlingua that the photo team will be back in Terlingua in about 2 months to complete the Terlingua Project that we started in May this year.
If you haven’t seen the fine art prints we provided to the folks that participated, ask one of those folks to show you what they got for letting us photograph them in May. If you don’t want to participate the prints may change your opinion of why we do this.
We had a team meeting tonight and we’re very excited about our next visit. I will continue to provide additional info as the date gets closer. From Terry & the Terlingua Project Team
Terlingua Community Garden
How do YOU want to be involved in the future of the Terlingua Community Garden?
As we move to the next level of local, organic food production, (it’s always getting easier!) we want more people to be growers and either share in a common space or rent their own garden space.
In addition, there are always supporting roles that need people behind them. Are you good at record keeping and financials? Would you like to run the Farmer’s Market? Love social media? Are you coo-coo for compost? Passionate about art?
There’s a place for you in THIS community.
Did you know we have received a grant for $11,000 to further improve the infrastructure and expand our educational opportunities?
Stay tuned for our next garden information meeting and then join us there with your ideas! Follow us on facebook at “terlinguacommunitygarden”.
Public Notice
Called meeting of the Brewster County Elections Commission
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 9 am at the Brewster County Courthouse, Commissioner Courtroom
To discuss and take action as appropriate on the following:
1. Elections Administration / Vacancy in Position of Electrions Administrator
A. Executive Session pursuant to Section §551.074, Government Code, VTCA, to discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, compensation, or dismissal of a public officer or employee (This session will include screening of applications, if appropriate, and interviews, if appropriate)
Reconvene in Open Session
B. Discussion and appropriate action resulting from Executive Session
Welcoming Prayer Workshop in Alpine
From 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM on Saturday, September 17, St. James Episcopal, 501 N. 6th St in Alpine will host a workshop on the Welcoming Prayer that is open to the Big Bend community. Advance registration is recommended by emailing or calling Pamela Cook at pscook.herenow@gmail.com or 432-386-5988. Registration is $25, but scholarships are available. A continental breakfast and snacks will be provided. Bring a bag lunch.
The Welcoming Prayer is a prayer for letting go in the present moment, in the midst of the activity of ordinary life. It helps to destabilize the emotional triggers of the false-self and to heal the wounds of a lifetime by addressing them where they are stored - in the body. It affirms that God, the Indwelling Presence, is always with us no matter what is happening, no matter what our experiences. We are able to find our way back to Yes - Yes to God, Yes to life, Yes to embodied participation.
This day-long workshop will include contextual teachings on the human condition; the triggers created by the false-self system; actual practice of the prayer, Centering Prayer, community sharing; nuances and fruits of the prayer; and a 40-day booklet to take home to support your practice after the workshop. No experience with Centering Prayer or other forms of meditation is necessary.
The workshop will be presented by Pamela Begeman, Director of Communications for Contemplative Outreach. She co-creates and facilitates many of the Contemplative Outreach worldwide online retreats, programs and publications. She is a commissioned presenter of both Centering Prayer and the Welcoming Prayer. Her daily spiritual practices root her in the present and Presence while being an active wife, mother and professional. She lives in Austin.
Meet Biscuit
Biscuit’s about two years old - a heeler/terrier mix who was found as a stray. Maybe he is part Bassett with his legs? In any event, a perfect mutt!! Biscuit is a very friendly little guy - loves attention and would probably be great with kids. He plays very well with other dogs at the shelter. Biscuit can be adopted for $50 until September 24th. Adoption fees include spay/neuter, vaccines, and a microchip. Biscuit, and all the other pets at the Alpine Animal Shelter, can be found on Petfinder at: https://www.petfinder.com/pet-search?shelter_id=TX1202 Any questions or for more info, please email heatherthemule@gmail.com
Border checkpoint tension makes for engrossing ‘Transpecos’:
High mountain bunchgrass in Texas BBNP proposed for Endangered Species Act protection:
Please print out your Moon to share with a friend!
Send your submissions to the Terlingua Moon by Monday noon to be included in that week’s edition. Email to terlinguamoon@gmail.com by noon Monday.
• Next week’s Moon by Patchouli Gulch Gal •
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