by South County Mud Clowns
August 16th, 2017 Vol. 27 ~ # 33
Victor died of a heart attack Wed., Aug. 10th. His funeral and burial was the following day. A long-time, welcomegreeting at the Boquillas crossing was the sound of Victor’s powerful voice singing “Cielito Lindo.” Victor was the only boatman until the 9-11 closing of the border. Tourists and locals alike will greatly miss him.’ Rest in peace, sweet man.
Desert Air Spray Foam is ready to save you money!!!! Open cell starts at $1.40/sqft closed cell starts at $2.40/sqft. Call us today to set up your free estimate. We are located in Terlingua ghost town. No mileage or fuel fee for jobs located within 50 miles of the ghost town. Call or text Adam 830-221-5179 Shannon 210-347-6116
Monday August 22 at 5 pm is the deadline to file for a place on the ballot for the Terlingua School Board.(You can declare a write-in candidacy until Friday August 26.) The school will be open to pick up or drop off ballot applications from 8 am to 4 pm through this Friday, and from 8 am to 5 pm next Monday. Application forms and packets can be picked up at the school or downloaded at For more information call 371-2281.
The Painted Feather Gallery, located in the Terlingua Ghost Town will now be open Friday- Saturday-Sunday from 2pm - 6pm. I would like to let everyone know my coloring book," I Love Bunnies " is finally available around the area as well as at the gallery. Stop by for a visit when you are in town,
I'm working om many new projects.
Attention Cross Country Athletes: 7th, 8th, and High School Students that are interested in participating need to come on the 1st Day of School, August 22nd, from 7:00am-7:30am at the High School Computer Lab to get uniforms, go over the season schedule, and turn in UIL Physical Paperwork. Looking forward to a great year!
They need our help with failed or dropped calls regarding the specific details of the calls (service provider, phone numbers involved, empty ringing, etc...) BBT has a link to report to the FCC each of these instances, I am working with a roaming engineer to help create a log of occurances. I have the ears of Comnet(the towers), AT&T, & the FCC If you'd like to add to the log: Plz PM me or email Info needed: Cell provider, Cell number, Landline number phoned, What happened.
Terlingua Bottoms Group
The Terlingua Bottoms Group of AA meets every Thursday at 7:30 at the Big Bend Church in Study Butte. The meetings are open to anyone who has or thinks they may have a drinking problem.
Terlingua CSD scores perfect 100!
The Texas Education Agency has released preliminary financial accountability ratings for 2015-2016 (based on the 2014-2015 school year). The state's school financial accountability rating system, known as the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST), ensures that Texas public schools are held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices and that they improve those practices. The system is designed to encourage Texas public schools to better manage their financial resources to provide the maximum allocation possible for direct instructional purposes. Nearly 98% of Texas public school districts received a Superior (A) rating of 90 or above on a 100 point scale. The Terlingua CSD received the highest possible rating of 100.
JACKASS FLATS FULL MOON POT LUCK, AUG 18 th 7:30p.m. Bring a dish ,chair ,& or music AUGUST FULL MOON NAMES Some Native American tribes called the August Moon the “Sturgeon Moon” because they knew that the sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this Full Moon. They also called August’s Moon the “Full Green Corn Moon.” Different tribes had different Moon name preferences. Other examples for August are: “Wheat Cut Moon” (San Ildefonso, and San Juan), or “Moon When All Things Ripen” (Dakotah Sioux) or “Blueberry Moon” (Ojibway). However I think we may need to call this the RAINING MOON this year !!!!!
DB’s Rustic Iron BBQ will be closed Fri. Sept 2nd thru Sat., Sept 10th. We will resume our normal weekly schedule Thurs., Sept. 15th
PRE ORDERS: If you would like us to help you with your holiday festivities, pre orders will be taken for meats sold by the pound (1lb minimal)
Brisket , Turkey , Pork Ribs, Sausage
Orders must be placed by Aug 22th and picked up on Thurs, Sept 1st by 6pm.
This week at The Starlight
Monday 8-16 Dan McCoy
Tuesday 8-17 Uh Clem
Wednesday 8-18 Trevor Hickle
Friday 8-20 Tim Relleva
Saturday 8-21 Stephen Morris
and, this Friday, the tradition continues . . . SKIRT NIGHT!!! Judging at 8 p.m. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more info.
August 27 Chili Cook Off
Fiesta Protesta Chili Event: Jim Ezell's place on 170 just below the Ghostown. CASI rules. Qualifier for 50th TICC. Chili turn in is 1 pm. Local cooks welcome and as always anyone can come out and judge.
Be there earlier to visit, have a beer, and watch showmanship! Information: 214 392 3499
This week at La Kiva: The kitchen is open 7 days a week. We are cranking out some delicious pizzas with homemade dough and premium toppings, or try our hand pattied half-pound burger on a fresh baked bun. For something lighter, we feature kale Caesar salad all week. Fish and Chips on Friday, come early and get yours before we sell out! As per usual-Tuesday is karaoke night, and open mic is on Wednesday.
Call for Artists! Deadline Approaching
You may have seen the postings around town or on the Terlingua Visual Arts facebook page about the upcoming opportunities to share your artwork:
Please use the links on the Terlingua Visual Arts facebook page or contact Mary Paloma Diesel by emailat, or call 432-371-2999 to participate. The August 31 deadline is approaching, and so don't delay! Please note artists whose work has been in the calendar may submit every other year! The calendar is a fundraiser to promote as much local artwork as possible. Thanks for honoring this purpose.
From Terlingua Community Garden:
We are creating a new model of volunteering and a new water distribution system. You do not need experience, just a desire to learn and a commitment to a few hours in the garden each week. You will be rewarded with the food that you help produce. If you can commit now, help us plant and water the starters. Or, join us on August 23 to help install the new water lines. Be a Terlingua Community Garden "Farmer"
More important MOON News on the flip side of this page. ì
Water management is often poorly understood. The Texas Water Code provides authority to create Groundwater Conservation Districts to manage and conserve our water resources. As rural areas come under increasing pressure from large cities and industrial interests to acquire water, the role of theGroundwater Conservation District becomes more important. Each groundwater conservation district is the local authority charged with protecting and conserving our groundwater resources. In order to fulfill this role, a groundwater conservation district must raise funds to cover operating expenses. At this time, contributions from the county and fees are the only options available to the Brewster County
Groundwater Conservation District to raise funds. Under state law, most wells are exempt from these fees, including any well used solely for domestic/residential uses or for providing water for livestock and wildlife or poultry.
If these fees are enacted, the impact on the average water user will be minimal. For example, a customer of the Study Butte Water Corporation may see an increase of only $0.03/1,000 gallons of water. People with their own wells will see no fees at all.
People with exempt wells are being asked to register them. A one-time registration fee of $15.00 has been proposed. However, if registration occurs within one year, this fee will be waived.
The Brewster County Groundwater Conservation District fee schedule will mainly affect fees on larger users, including industrial users and customers seeking to export water from the county. These fees will provide an operating budget to the Brewster County Groundwater Conservation District to fulfill its mission to protect our water resources into the future.
For more information, please join us at the next Public Meeting of the Brewster County Groundwater District on Thursday, August 18 th at 9 am at the Val Clark Beard County Office Building in Alpine.
Aimee Roberson
Jeff Bennett
Kay Nowell
Suzanne Bailey
Dodie Sweeney
Trey Gerfers
For more information, contact:
Commissioner Hugh Garrett
BUDRO is a big hound-ish four-year old dog who is laid back, low maintenance and loves everyone. He will not be your running or hiking partner (it’s too damn hot) but he does love walks during the cooler parts of the day and is a great in-the-house companion. Budro is quiet, walks well on a leash, and is happiest when receiving nice pats from lots of folks. He mixes in well with other dogs and in social environments. Budro tested positive for heart worms and is undergoing treatment (he’d love to finish that out in a home, not the shelter). This expense is covered by the Alpine Humane Society. Budro is a pet of the week through August 20 - only $50 to adopt. He is neutered, microchipped and up to date on all shots. He, and all the other pets at the Alpine Animal Shelter, can be found on Petfinder at: Any questions or for more info,
This week at High Sierra
Friday @ 7 PM. Stephen Morris
Saturday @ 8 PM Dr Fun
Sunday @7 PM Moses Martinez
Come enjoy our fresh salads, great sandwiches and cold beer! We are open every day at noon!
The Burrs (El Centro Ent. Inc.) are taking orders for another load of WYLIE catchment tanks. Call us for specs, sizes available and prices. 371-2506. A deposit is required for your tank(s).
On the subject of water and rain harvesting, below are some commonly asked questions regarding rain catchment and the law:
Are there any tax incentives for installing a rainwater harvesting system?
Under Texas Constitution, Article 8, §1-m, the Texas Legislature may authorize a taxing unit to grant an exemption from property tax for property on which a water conservation initiative has been implemented. In Texas Tax Code §11.32, the Texas Legislature allows governmental taxing units the option to exempt from taxation part or all of the assessed value of property on which water conservation initiatives are made. The taxing entity designates by ordinance or law the eligible water conservation initiatives, which may include rainwater harvesting systems. Individuals planning to install rainwater harvesting systems should check with their respective county appraisal districts for guidance on exemption from county property taxes.
In addition, Texas Tax Code §151.355 exempts rainwater harvesting equipment and supplies from state sales tax.
It is a fallacy that there is an over-abundance of water available for our use in the state. The population of Texas is expected to double over the next 50 years and existing surface water and groundwater resources are being depleted. Already, there are places in Texas that are experiencing shortages because demands are greater than available supplies. Rainwater harvesting provides us an opportunity to conserve and extend our existing resources.
IGGY IS BACK HOME: Thanks for a lot of social media shares and for the many businesses who put up flyers to help bring her home. She took 8 days but she did come back and seems reasonably well. We are very touched by so much concern. Thank you.
If you have lived in South County less than five years you might not know that extreme heat, electrical outages, water, rain scarcity and dirt roads are part of the norm here. Some folks adapt as best they can and stay for decades. Some return after a few years in that Other World because they find this to be The Best.
However; fast drivers on our dirt and gravel roads cause a preventable hardship for us all. When you encounter near impassible washboard roads, honestly ask yourself if YOU are contributing to the problem. Plowing through on a mud road after a rain is the worst. Please consider that not everyone can afford to have their vehicle beaten to bits by thoughtless, fast drivers. And please consider the almost impossible job the County and Ranch maintenance workers have to deal with.
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